Thursday, 3 July 2014

a list of lists

I'm a lover of lists.

As a teacher it was helpful, as a stay at home mum - it's a necessity. 
Not because I will forget to do things, but rather because it can be hard to feel like I have accomplished anything in  my day without one. I have a notebook of lists - and each day at breakfast I write out what I want to get done that day. It does not make for interesting reading I assure you. It includes things like making dinner, hanging the washing. But at the end of the day, I can look at it and know I did stuff - I got more done than just looking after the boys. I say 'just' loosely, anyone with small kids will know that some days that is a major accomplishment in itself. That said, a couple of times since Harry has been born, I have been able to look at my list at the end of the day and see all the things i DIDNT do that day. And yes every so often ( okay as often as I can) I like to leave my crossed off list in plain view so that hubby can see it hasn't just been a day of watching Ellen and eating the baking chocolate.

So with this whole Taranakitotexas thing, there have been plenty of lists. I even have a folder filled with lists. All clearly labelled. ( My love for my label maker is only secondary to my love of lists) 

Here is a list of the lists I have on the go at the moment.

Things that need to be finished around the house
Things that need to be sold/given away/ taken to the tip 
Things that need to go to mum and dads for storage 
Things to buy 
Things to be packed in suitcases
Things that will go via airfreight
Things going in the container 
A list of our contents for insurance - down to the number of socks we have and corresponding replacement price.

and so on. 

But this move has also seen other lists evolve.

Lists like 

Things I will miss about New Plymouth 
1. Friends
2. Pak n Save shop n go (seriously) 
3. Tracy - the lady who cuts Theo's hair - amazing woman - Theo is on about haircut 20 - no tears, no tantrums. Gives him a spray bottle of water and he spends the whole time 'shooting' everyone in the mirror.
4. Being able to find my way around. I have a terrible sense of direction. I've even gotten lost in Borders on Queen st. Having the mountain and the sea on either side of me at least gave me an idea of where I am in the town. 
5. Those amazing crisp winter mornings.
6. The coast lines here - fish and chips at the beach is a family favourite and even though we will be on the coast in Texas - it wont compare and the fish and chips wont exist! 

Things I will miss about NZ

1. Family - even just skyping in the same time zone.
2. Easily distinguishable money
3. u's (colour, favourite etc) 
4. Our food. Not the prices that's for sure, But the quality and freshness. 

Things I wont miss about NZ
1. Weta's.

and then there are these lists 

Places in the US I want to visit 
1. New York. In winter. At Christmas. This is my non negotiable.
2. Boston - US history
3. Washington DC - (side note: found out today that if we want to go on a tour of the white house and we do want, we have to apply to go on one through the New Zealand embassy. Even US citizens who want to go on the tour have to apply through their member of congress. Meanwhile in NZ I can probably found John Key's personal cell number through a Google search.)
4. New Orleans - food, culture
5. Las Vegas 

Experiences I want to have 

 1. Halloween - Already thinking about what i will be dressing the boys as for their first trick n treat. 
(Want to go for the cute factor in order to get more candy and yes i fully intend to eat the majority when they are asleep that night.)

2. Fourth of July - this will be interesting. My automatic reaction to American patriotism is to roll my eyes. Did you know you can even buy kids clothing that is fourth of July themed. Stars, stripes and eagles? - the whole deal.

3. Couponing. I want the free stuff even if it is shampoo for dandruff ( that I do not have)

4.Thanksgiving and corresponding black Friday sales. I want a crazy deal that i have to fight another lady for - true American trash styles.

5. The crazy - I want to see the crazy that is the mega stores - the crazy that is walmart - the crazy that are the sizes of everything.  Apparently everything is bigger in Texas - does that mean crazier?

6. Doomsday prep. Just a little. I want to visit a place that sells those crazy underground bunkers. Just to get a feel for it. 

7. Shoot a gun. Just once i think. Though saying that, I'm dead scared to pull the 'trigger' of nasal spray, but maybe that's because you are shooting yourself, so we will see how we go. Someone suggested we s just go to the border and shoot illegals.Texas mindset?

These lists are by no means final. They are a work in progress. 

So I'm curious. If you were me, what would your lists look like? Have I missed any must sees? or must dos?