First an apology:
I was literally the worst English teacher on the planet. I doubt this blog will have any punctuation apart from the occasional . and every once in a while I might get fancy and use a ,.
But I don't care.
If you do, don't read it.
The plan:
To move our little family of four to Corpus Christi Texas
Hubby has a new job working at an independent oil refinery
Yeah but why?
For a bit of adventure I guess. Our boys aren't in school and we have a couple of years before we have to make decisions around their education
In the last four months these things have happened. ..
1. Hubby was offered a new job
2. We applied for and won a work permit in the lottery system (crazy system 42% chance)
3. Our visas were approved.
4. I resigned my job after three years maternity leave
and now?
Just this week the moving company came through our house and have estimated how much time etc it will take for them to pack the house.
Turns out once you take out all the electrical stuff that wont work over there, we don't have much. Apart from a lot of wine glasses.
It will take two days apparently with a third day to put it all on a truck.
There is no point me attempting to clean with the boys in the house. Theo, in particular, is a rock star, and by that I mean he is able to trash any room he enters in minutes. Turns out I'm not 'allowed' to do any packing anyway. Suits me perfectly. Garth will be left to do the cleaning as I will be with boys in Auckland. Perks of breastfeeding, i guess.
Now - August:
- Getting the house tenant ready - weeding gardens, buying a pool cover, etc.
- Dealing with all the admin etc that comes with an international move - photocopying important docs, international driving permit etc
The to-do list at the moment is actually horrific. and spreads across about 5 pieces of paper. and has subsections. and has one thing crossed off and two things added almost every day.
End of August:
I leave with boys to Auckland to stay at Ma and Pa's. Packing will be interesting as all we will have for the next three months is what I pack. Have to think about weather NZ vs TX, and the changing needs of the boys - Harry in particular.
Garth cleans house and vacates it to stay on someone's couch - his first flatting experience.
We cancel phones, internet, power, gym memberships etc... Lots to do here.
Garth finishes at work, joins us in Auckland
September 21
We leave from Auckland to LA. ( 12 hoursish)
One skycouch, one seat, one bassinet booked
In LA we get on a flight to Houston ( about 3.5 hours). I expect this to be the worst flight of the three. No TVs, No on board meal except what you purchase, tired little family.
Stay the night in Houston as we miss the last flight to corpus christi
September 22nd
50 minute flight from Houston to Corpus Christi
Here we have a furnished apartment for the first two months till we get settled.
Then we have ten days before Garth starts work. Plan is to get phones, grocery shop, check the area out, I have to check out the mall ( for the kids- selfless mom award), buy a car or two etc.
October 1
Garth starts work and then reality begins.
I guess the purpose of this blog is as an online diary for friends and family to keep up with our travel. I don't really have a plan for frequency or content. It will just be what it is. So bear with me and hopefully I will be able to keep you up to date on our taranakitotexas adventure.